Children's Health

published : 2023-11-16

UK Infant Forced Off Life Support, Father Claims 'the Devil' Was Present in the Courtroom

Infant Indi Gregory dies despite offers of continued treatment and legal protection from Italy and the Vatican

An image of a newborn baby peacefully sleeping, symbolizing the innocence of life.

Indi Gregory, the 8-month-old infant who was forced off life support by the United Kingdom courts system, was baptized before her death despite her family not originally being religious.

A photo of a father tenderly cradling his infant, capturing the love and protection a parent feels for their child.

Dean Gregory, Indi's father, said before her death that he was inspired to baptize his daughter by Christian legal volunteers who fought to keep her alive.

A powerful black and white image of a courtroom, representing the challenging legal battle the Gregory family faced.

Dean described his experience in the courtroom as being dragged to hell, and it led him to believe in the existence of the devil and consequently, God.

A photo of a baptismal font filled with water, symbolizing the transformative act of baptism.

Despite offers from the Italian government and Vatican for continued care and legal protection, the UK courts mandated the removal of Indi from her life-supporting ventilator against her parents' wishes.

An image of a group of Christian legal volunteers standing together, highlighting their dedicated efforts to fight for Indi's life.

Dean Gregory expressed his gratitude towards Christian volunteers and his legal counsel from the Christian Legal Centre, who supported him throughout the legal battle.

A close-up shot of a cross, representing the father's newfound faith and his search for spiritual solace during a difficult time.

Indi's baptism was not only an expression of gratitude but also a way to seek protection and recognize the dedication of those who fought for her survival.

A photo of Italian and Vatican flags waving side by side, showcasing the offers of support from these entities.

Dean Gregory, deeply affected by his daughter's death, decided to seek baptism for himself and his surviving daughter to find protection in this life and ensure entry to heaven.

An image of a ventilator, illustrating the life-supporting technology that was ultimately removed against the parents' wishes.

The U.K. government refused to allow Indi Gregory to continue living on life support, despite offers from the Vatican and the Italian government for her transfer to Bambino Gesù hospital.

A picture of Pope Francis offering prayers and blessings to a child, reflecting his compassion for the suffering and the Gregory family's inclusion in his prayers.

Senior U.K. judges denied the Gregorys' appeal, ruling that the offers from Italy and the Vatican were 'wholly misconceived'.

A photo of Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni speaking at a press conference, emphasizing her strong advocacy for Indi's right to continued care.

Pope Francis expressed his prayers for the Gregory family and all children worldwide who suffer due to illness or war.

An image of a broken heart symbol, representing the deep sorrow and heartbreak experienced by the parents following their daughter's passing.

Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni supported the Gregorys and fought to release Indi into Italian custody.

A photograph of a candle burning in remembrance of Indi, symbolizing the family's commitment to keeping her memory alive.

Following Indi's death, Dean Gregory expressed his anger, heartbreak, and shame towards the NHS and the courts for taking away his daughter's chance at a longer life and dignity in her final moments.

A picture of a beautiful sunset symbolizing hope and the belief in an afterlife.

Dean also emphasized that Indi's soul cannot be taken away and pledged to ensure that she is remembered forever.