Mental Health

published : 2023-11-14

Military Mental Health: AI Training Simulates Real Conversations to Help Prevent Veteran Suicide

ReflexAI co-founders reveal how a chatbot could save lives: 'Like a friend'

An image of a military veteran engaging in a conversation with an AI-powered chatbot named Blake. (taken with Canon EOS 5D Mark IV)

Artificial intelligence is working to save the lives of America's heroes.

A new product by ReflexAI called HomeTeam was just released this week, with the goal of preventing veteran suicide.

Each day, 17 veterans die by suicide, according to the company, amid an ongoing mental health crisis across the country.

ReflexAI found that 92% of veterans are open to supporting or being supported by another veteran when they're in crisis — yet only 25% are prepared to do so.

San Diego-based Callery described HomeTeam as a digital training tool that equips veterans with the skills and confidence to support their fellow vets through mental health challenges.

HomeTeam consists of four training modules: communicating support, talking about suicide, establishing safety, and connecting to resources.

A group of veterans participating in the HomeTeam training program, discussing strategies to support each other through mental health challenges. (taken with Nikon D850)

HomeTeam's mental health training program uses AI simulation, Callery pointed out.

After completing a module, trainees are prompted to test their skills by answering quizzes and interacting with an AI-powered chatbot named Blake.

Blake has been programmed by ReflexAI to converse like a real American military veteran.

The bot's persona is a 35-year-old Marine veteran from Colorado Springs who is facing several challenges that have affected his mental health.

Users can have multiple conversations with Blake in each module to explore different approaches.

HomeTeam's generative AI is designed to be 'very responsive and agile' while keeping the conversation on track, Callery said.

A close-up shot of the dashboard of HomeTeam, showing the different training modules for veterans. (taken with Sony Alpha a7 III)

Veterans were involved throughout the creation of HomeTeam, Callery added.

This allowed the creators to fine-tune the content to match the users' expectations and experiences.

The hope is that one million veterans will experience HomeTeam within its first year, Dorison said.

Dr. Harvey Castro, a Dallas-based board-certified emergency medicine physician and national speaker on AI in health care, believes HomeTeam has the power to provide timely support for mental health crises.

Castro also noted the potential limitations of AI in fully capturing the complexities of mental health issues and the personalized touch of traditional therapy.

Yet he praised HomeTeam's innovative approach and its promise in effectively serving the veteran community.