Mental Health

published : 2023-11-27

Mother of 2 Dies After Drinking Too Much Water While Medical Staff Was Distracted by Phones, Inquest Finds

Michelle Whitehead, 45, had been admitted to a British medical center in 2021 for a mental breakdown

A photo of Michelle Whitehead, a warm and caring mother-of-two, whose tragic story has shocked many. (Taken with a Canon EOS 5D Mark IV)

A mother-of-two who was admitted to a hospital in England following a mental health breakdown, died after drinking too much water while staff were distracted by their phones, a recently concluded inquest into her death has found.

Michelle Whitehead, 45, was admitted to the Millbrook Mental Health Unit in Sutton-in-Ashfield near her home in May 2021, BBC News reported.

She began drinking water excessively while at the unit and slipped into a coma after reaching dangerously low sodium levels, which led to brain swelling, the investigation found.

An image of the Millbrook Mental Health Unit in Sutton-in-Ashfield, where Michelle Whitehead was admitted for a mental breakdown. (Taken with a Nikon D850)

Despite psychogenic polydipsia being a well-known psychiatric disorder marked by excessive water drinking, the staff failed to diagnose Whitehead and she continued to have unmonitored access to water.

She was tranquilized, then slipped into a coma, but staff believed she had fallen asleep.

The Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust, which runs the Millbrook Mental Health Unit, said staff failed on several levels, including inadequate monitoring while being distracted by the use of their personal mobile telephones, an activity which was prohibited on the ward, discontinuing monitoring hours after she was tranquilized when she should have been watched until she was up again, and a delay in the duty doctor arriving and waiting 10 minutes to let paramedics inside the building, the investigation found.

A picture showing medical professionals diligently caring for patients at the Millbrook Mental Health Unit, reminding us of the importance of vigilant monitoring. (Taken with a Sony Alpha A7 III)

She died two days later after being transported to a hospital.

Whitehead’s husband Michael Whitehead told BBC News, 'When Michelle [seemingly] fell asleep, staff should have realized something was very wrong. Had they acted earlier Michelle would have been taken to ICU and put on a drip. That would have saved her life. By the time they realized what was happening, the same course of action was far too late.'

He called Whitehead 'warm, caring and easy to love,' noting she had previously quit her job to be a fulltime carer for one of their sons who suffered from Down syndrome.