Mental Health

published : 2023-12-02

Bus Driver Granted Probation After Accidentally Consuming THC Gummies and Passing Out on Highway

Language Barrier Leads to Unintentional THC Ingestion

A photo of Jinhuan Chen, the bus driver who was granted probation after accidentally consuming THC gummies, taken with a Nikon D850.

A bus driver in Connecticut, Jinhuan Chen, has been granted probation after consuming gummies laced with a high level of THC and passing out on the highway.

Chen, who cannot speak or read English, claimed that he was unaware of the candies being infused with the substance.

Represented by attorney Daniel Esposito, Chen expressed gratitude that no one was harmed in the incident.

A picture of the Interstate 95 highway where Jinhuan Chen passed out after unintentionally ingesting THC-infused candies, captured using a Canon EOS R6.

The incident occurred when the driver, a 10-year veteran with Go Go Sun Tours, pulled over on Interstate 95 in Stratford with 38 passengers on board and lost consciousness.

Upon finding Chen in possession of a bag of Smokies Edibles Cannabis Infused Fruit Chews, the police made an arrest.

Despite the potential consequences, Judge Elizabeth Reid acknowledged Chen's quick thinking in pulling over and calling 911.

An image of a bag of Smokies Edibles Cannabis Infused Fruit Chews, the candies that caused the incident involving Jinhuan Chen as captured by a Sony Alpha a7 III.

Chen's probation period will last for two years, after which the 38 counts of reckless endangerment will be expunged from his record.

Victor Chen, the manager of Go Go Sun Tours, vouched for Jinhuan Chen's character, stating that he was not known for substance abuse but had a sweet tooth.

Timothy Nerozzi wrote this article for Fox News Digital.