
published : 2023-10-13

American Voters Divided on Time Limit for US Support in Ukraine, Fox News Poll Shows

34% believe the war in Ukraine is an emergency, while others prioritize different issues

A photo of American voters casting their ballots in a polling station, taken with a Canon EOS 5D Mark IV.

According to a recent Fox News survey, American voters are divided on the issue of setting a time limit for US support in Ukraine.

Around half of the voters, 51%, believe that there should be a time limit, while 45% feel that the US should continue to support Ukraine indefinitely.

This marks a reversal from February when 46% of voters supported setting a time limit, and 50% believed that support should last until victory was achieved.

The survey also reveals that urban voters and those over the age of 65 are among those showing the biggest shift towards setting a time limit.

A close-up shot of a timepiece showing the concept of 'time limit', taken with a Nikon D850.

Furthermore, the poll indicates that 81% of Americans believe that the Russia-Ukraine conflict has a significant impact on life in the US.

However, the number of voters who believe it has a 'great deal' of impact has decreased from 51% in the early stages of the war to 39%.

When asked to prioritize issues as emergencies, only 34% of voters believe that the war in Ukraine falls under that category.

In comparison, a majority of voters consider issues such as inflation, opioid addiction, crime, the southern border situation, and climate change as emergencies.

An image of a diverse group of individuals engaging in a peaceful protest, representing different voter opinions on US support in Ukraine, taken with a Sony A7 III.

Nonetheless, approximately three-quarters of voters express concern that the Ukraine-Russia conflict could escalate into a broader war, a sentiment largely unchanged since October.

While President Joe Biden's approval rating on his handling of Russia stands at 37%, his approval rating is lower on the economy, border security, and inflation.

Overall, 41% of Americans approve of Biden's job performance, while 58% disapprove.

The Fox News survey was conducted among 1,007 randomly selected registered voters and has a margin of sampling error of plus or minus 3 percentage points.