
published : 2023-12-10

Kissinger: The Diplomatic Giant Revealed by His Close Friends

Former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger died last week at the age of 100

An elegant portrait of Henry Kissinger, the renowned diplomat and former Secretary of State, captured with a Nikon D850.

Although he didn't want controversy, former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger had a storied career in politics and spent much of his adult life in the public eye. His close friends are now shedding light on the man behind the diplomat.

Renowned figures including K.T. McFarland, Mike Pompeo, and Niall Ferguson provide a firsthand glimpse into the life and legacy of this diplomatic giant.

Kissinger, born Heinz Alfred Kissinger in Germany in 1923, fled the Nazis with his family and arrived in the U.S. as a teenager.

A candid snapshot of K.T. McFarland, one of Henry Kissinger's close friends, taken with a Canon EOS R6.

His breakthrough in global politics came in 1969 when he was appointed national security adviser to President Richard Nixon. From there, he ascended to the position of secretary of state, serving under both Nixon and Ford.

Known for his staunch advocacy of realpolitik, Kissinger's diplomatic achievements were far-reaching. He played a vital role in efforts towards Middle East peace, reestablishing relations with China, and initiating crucial talks that ended U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War.

However, despite his successes, Kissinger faced criticism. Accused of needless prolonging of the Vietnam War and labeled a ladies' man, his legacy defies simple categorization.

A captivating image of Mike Pompeo, former Secretary of State and mentee of Henry Kissinger, photographed using a Sony A7R IV.

Author Niall Ferguson argues that oversimplifications of Kissinger as a saintly figure or a Bond villain fail to capture the complexity of his impact on global affairs.

Kissinger's lifetime was marked by remarkable history-making moments, leaving an indelible mark on U.S. and foreign policy.

Discover the life of this defining figure in 20th-century world affairs through FOX Nation's riveting exposé of Henry Kissinger.