Natural Science

published : 2023-11-11

Ivy League Professor Sparks Controversy with Support for Pro-Bestiality Study

Princeton University professor promotes a study challenging societal taboos

An image of a protest at an Ivy League university, highlighting the potential clash between societal norms and academic discourse. (Taken with a Canon EOS 5D Mark IV)

A renowned Ivy League professor and self-proclaimed animal rights activist, Peter Singer, has ignited a firestorm of controversy with his endorsement of a pro-bestiality study. Singer, who holds a position in bioethics at Princeton University, shared the study from the Journal of Controversial Ideas, a journal he co-founded, on social media.

The study argues that there is 'nothing wrong with having sex with animals' and calls for a reevaluation of societal norms surrounding zoophilia. Singer referred to the article as 'thought-provoking' and encouraged others to engage in a serious and open discussion about the ethics of animal-human sexual relationships.

The study, authored under the pseudonym Fira Bensto, explores the notion that zoophilia, a term encompassing both sexual attraction to animals and bestiality, should be considered a legitimate sexual orientation. It argues that the exclusion of zoophilia from the sexual liberation movement is a mistake and challenges the powerful social taboo surrounding it.

A photo of Princeton University's campus, where the controversial study was promoted by the Ivy League professor. (Taken with a Nikon D850)

Singer clarifies that as a co-editor of the Journal of Controversial Ideas, he does not endorse the views expressed in the articles they publish. However, he believes in providing a platform for controversial ideas and believes that engaging in open dialogue is vital for intellectual growth and understanding.

The professor's support for this study has generated strong reactions from the public, with many expressing outrage and indignation. Critics argue that bestiality is inherently unethical and harmful to animals, while others question the academic integrity of the study itself.

Singer has long been a vocal advocate for animal rights and has previously expressed his views on sexual relationships involving animals. In an opinion piece published in 2001, he discussed the topic of 'heavy petting' and drew comparisons between the taboo surrounding bestiality and other sexual practices that have gradually become more accepted in society.

An illustration representing the debate surrounding animal rights and the ethics of human-animal relationships. (Taken with a Sony Alpha A7III)

Princeton University has yet to comment on the matter, and the Journal of Controversial Ideas remains steadfast in its commitment to fostering controversial discussions through anonymous publication.

This contentious study and Singer's endorsement of it have ignited a broader conversation about the boundaries of sexual ethics and the role of academia in promoting controversial ideas. As society navigates these complex questions, the public remains divided on where to draw the line between liberty and moral responsibility.