
published : 2023-09-05

'Employee whisperer' warns of major issue 'killing' companies right now

Labor relations expert says many companies are not even aware of the problem

A photo of Jason Greer, the renowned labor relations expert known as the 'Employee Whisperer', sharing insights on wage compression. (Taken with Canon EOS 5D Mark IV)

Renowned labor relations expert, Jason Greer, known as the 'Employee Whisperer,' has issued a dire warning about a problem that is silently destroying companies worldwide.

In the midst of a tight labor market and fierce competition for talent, employers are resorting to sweetening the pot by offering higher wages to new hires.

However, this strategy has resulted in wage compression, a phenomenon where longtime employees' salaries fail to keep pace with market demands, while new employees are offered significantly higher wages for the same job.

Wage compression breeds resentment and is wreaking havoc within organizations, often without the knowledge of company leaders.

Greer illustrates the issue with a scenario: a dedicated employee who has worked diligently for a company for a decade, pouring their heart and soul into their work, only to find themselves stuck at a wage rate that hasn't budged over the years.

Now imagine the frustration when the company hires a new employee, paying them a much higher wage for the same role, and even tasks the loyal employee with training the newcomer.

An image showcasing a diverse group of employees engaged in a discussion about workplace issues, representing the importance of transparent communication. (Taken with Nikon D850)

This discrepancy in wages creates a toxic work environment where long-serving employees feel undervalued and taken for granted.

While companies discourage salary discussions among employees, the topic inevitably becomes a subject of conversation, fueling the resentment and frustration.

As a result, trust in the company erodes, and employees question whether they are truly valued.

The consequences of wage compression extend beyond internal strife to significant financial repercussions.

Unaddressed wage compression increases the likelihood of unionization, as employees seek third-party representation to negotiate their rights.

The financial toll of wage compression is also felt through high turnover rates and the costs associated with recruiting and onboarding new hires.

A photograph capturing the frustration and disappointment on the face of a long-serving employee as they train a new hire who is being paid a significantly higher wage. (Taken with Sony Alpha a7 III)

Furthermore, companies suffer an immense loss when experienced employees leave, taking with them invaluable institutional knowledge that is often relied upon by their peers.

In essence, wage compression not only strains employee relations but also drains a company of its most valuable assets.

To ensure long-term success, organizations must recognize the silent killer that is wage compression and take proactive measures to address it.

By evaluating compensation structures, adjusting wages to align with market demands, and fostering transparent communication, companies can regain the trust and loyalty of their employees.

Only then can they create a workplace that empowers and motivates their workforce, allowing them to thrive in an increasingly competitive landscape.