
published : 2023-09-07

China and North Korea Develop AI-Powered Strategies for Influence Operations, Microsoft Warns

China Utilizes Artificial Intelligence to Create Controversy Among US Public

US voters from different racial backgrounds engaging in a political debate taken with a Canon EOS R

Technology giant Microsoft has issued a warning about new technological threats arising from China and North Korea.

According to Microsoft's latest report, China has advanced in its ability to automatically generate images for influence operations, aiming to mimic US voters and provoke controversy.

Using artificial intelligence, China has mastered the creation of high-quality and eye-catching content that can go viral on social networks.

Chinese cybersecurity experts monitoring online activities taken with a Nikon D850

The images generated by diffusion-powered AI-driven platforms have greatly improved in realism and detail over the years.

These AI-generated images are being utilized by Chinese state-affiliated actors in a broad campaign that emphasizes divisive topics and denigrates US political figures and symbols.

Microsoft also highlights the significant cybersecurity threat posed by North Korea, particularly in intelligence gathering and cryptocurrency theft.

North Korean shipbuilders constructing a vessel in a shipyard taken with a Sony Alpha a7R III

The report mentions North Korea's targeting of the maritime and shipbuilding sectors as a priority for the government.

AI-powered attempts to manipulate public opinion through online media are expected to increase as political elections approach and global tensions rise.