TV News

published : 2023-10-28

Marie Osmond's Unconventional Stance on Inheritance: 'Self-Worth Can't Be Bought'

Aston Kutcher and Daniel Craig Share Similar Views

Marie Osmond smiling during a live performance at a concert in Los Angeles, taken with a Nikon D850.

Marie Osmond, the celebrated 'Paper Roses' singer, remains firm in her decision not to leave a substantial inheritance to her children.

In a recent interview with Fox News Digital, Osmond emphasized that she believes bestowing a massive sum of money upon her children would deprive them of the opportunity to discover their true selves.

Expressing her conviction, she stated, 'I just think you rob them of finding who they are, and self-worth can't be bought.'

Her stance stems from a desire for her children to learn to care for themselves and cultivate their own independence.

Osmond clarified that while she refrains from doling out a significant inheritance, she has provided financial assistance to her children when needed throughout their lives.

She takes pride in their accomplishments, affirming that all her children have fulfilling careers and are passionately pursuing their dreams.

Aston Kutcher and Mila Kunis enjoying a family outing at a local park, captured with a Canon EOS R.

Marie Osmond is a mother of eight children, with ages ranging from 21 to 40, and tragically lost a son in 2010.

Her net worth, estimated at $20 million, underscores the magnitude of her decision to prioritize her children's self-reliance over leaving them a sizeable fortune.

Marie Osmond's conviction is echoed by other notable celebrities, such as Aston Kutcher and Daniel Craig.

Kutcher and his wife, Mila Kunis, have chosen not to establish a trust for their children and instead plan to contribute their earnings to charitable causes.

In an episode of Dax Shephard's podcast, 'The Armchair Expert,' Kutcher explained, 'My kids are living a really privileged life, and they don't even know it. And they'll never know it because this is the only one that they'll know.'

Similarly, Daniel Craig, renowned for his portrayal of James Bond, finds the idea of leaving an inheritance to be 'distasteful.'

Daniel Craig suavely posing on the red carpet at a movie premiere, photographed using a Sony Alpha A7 III.

In an interview with Saga Magazine, he expressed his intention to dispose of his wealth or donate it before his demise, seeking to avoid burdening future generations.

Craig, who has two daughters from previous marriages, holds an estimated fortune of $125 million.

On the other hand, Kelsey Grammer, famous for his role in the TV show 'Frasier,' firmly believes in bequeathing his wealth to his children.

In a recent interview, Grammer asserted, 'My kids are going to get their inheritance. If the United States has decided they don't want to give it to them, we'll go someplace else. But, you know, I got to make sure that they're well cared for because that's my job.'

Kelsey Grammer, a proud father of seven, concludes a list of contrasting opinions among celebrities about leaving large inheritances to their offspring.