TV News

published : 2023-10-15

'Golden Bachelor's' Tips for Dating in Your 70s: Red Flag to Avoid

Gerry Turner, star of 'The Golden Bachelor,' is 72

Gerry Turner, the 72-year-old star of 'The Golden Bachelor,' sharing his thoughts and advice for dating in later years.

Gerry Turner, the 72-year-old star of 'The Golden Bachelor,' has become a sought-after advisor on dating in later years.

After losing his wife to a bacterial infection in 2017, he found himself embarking on a quest for love at an older age.

Gerry Turner lost his wife to a bacterial infection in 2017, leading him on a search for love at an older age. Photo taken with a Nikon D850.

Now, with his own dating show, he offers insights and advice for those in similar situations.

During an interview with Jennifer Hudson on 'The Jennifer Hudson Show,' Turner explained that dating in his 70s is a whole new experience.

Gerry Turner discussing dating in his 70s on 'The Jennifer Hudson Show'. Photo captured by a Canon EOS 5D Mark IV.

In our younger years, we focus on superficial questions like 'What's your favorite color?' and building a career and family.

However, with age, we begin to cut through those surface-level matters and focus on what truly matters.

Gerry Turner highlighting the importance of shared values in relationships. Photo taken with a Sony Alpha A7 III.

For Turner, it's all about finding a partner who complements and fulfills him, someone with whom he feels comfortable.

The color, career, and even the number of children become less important.

Jennifer Hudson, host of 'The Jennifer Hudson Show,' engaging in a conversation with Gerry Turner about dating in later years.

Instead, he values shared values, such as spending holidays together and shared religious or cultural practices.

During the interview, Hudson shared her own experiences, expressing her alignment with Turner's perspectives.

A close-up shot of Gerry Turner and Jennifer Hudson laughing together during their interview.

They both agreed that distance can be a dealbreaker and emphasized the importance of dating partners who are age-appropriate and geographically close.

Turner also cautioned against moving too fast in a relationship, highlighting the importance of not skipping essential steps.

Gerry Turner advising against moving too fast in relationships. Photo taken with a Fujifilm X-T4.

He provided an example of a red flag: if a person he's dating starts discussing changing his will early on, it's a sign to be cautious.

As the conversation progressed, Turner's advice for finding a partner resonated with many.

Gerry Turner sharing a heartwarming story of inspiring a friend to pursue love again after losing a spouse. Photo captured with a Sony Alpha A9.

He shared a heartwarming anecdote about inspiring a friend who had been hesitant to date after losing his spouse.

Seeing Turner's journey on 'The Golden Bachelor' gave his friend the confidence to pursue love again.

Gerry Turner expressing his belief in changing lives and perspectives through his dating show. Photo taken with a Nikon Z7 II.

Ultimately, Turner believes that through his dating show, he can change lives and perspectives.

He aims to empower individuals to find hope, indulge in humor, and enjoy their lives while seeking that special someone.

Gerry Turner aiming to empower individuals to find hope and enjoy their lives while seeking a life partner. Photo taken with a Canon EOS R5.

By captivating the audience with his experiences and insights, Turner's show becomes a catalyst for connection and happiness.