
published : 2023-08-25

Chris Christie Criticizes Vivek Ramaswamy for Inept GOP Primary Debate Performance, Accuses Him of Using AI Generated Phrases

Christie Slams Ramaswamy As An 'Amateur' After First GOP Primary Debate

A portrait shot of Chris Christie leaning against a podium, talking into a microphone, with a serious expression. Taken with Canon EOS R5.

Chris Christie, one-time Governor of New Jersey and presidential aspirant for 2024, wasn't mincing words following the first Republican primary debate. He expressed open disdain for fellow GOP candidate Vivek Ramaswamy on 'Your World with Neil Cavuto'.

In an incendiary critique, he claimed Ramaswamy's responses during the debate reflected a glaring lack of understanding.

Diverse topics structured the debate, from the US' involvement in Ukraine's conflict to the contingent support for Donald Trump pending his conviction.

Interestingly, Trump lauded Ramaswamy's debate execution on his digital platform, Truth Social. Ramaswamy returned the compliment by declaring Trump as the 'best president of the 21st century'.

Seemingly unfazed, Christie retorted: 'If Vivek thinks Trump is the greatest president of the 21st century, why is he even running? He should withdraw immediately.'

A close up shot of Vivek Ramaswamy on the debate stage, as he addresses an audience off-camera. Captured under bright stage lighting to emphasize his confident demeanor. Taken with Nikon D850.

One strand of criticisms was directed towards Ramaswamy's perceived methodology of stirring an audience: cobbling together phrases produced by AI technology, ChatGPT.

In Christie's words, this was clear evidence of Ramaswamy's amateurish understanding of politics.

Ramaswamy's controversial statements also extended to advocating for ceding Taiwan to China by 2028 and shifting Israel's treatment in line with that of other Middle Eastern nations.

Christie raised another issue - an inconsistency between Ramaswamy's apparent challenge to Trump's actions on 6th January, as recorded in his own book, and the businessman's denial of the same during the debate.

The rift arose even further when Ramaswamy accused the GOP candidates of being 'bought and paid for'. Christie defended his and the other politicians' records of public service, asserting none of them profited from their positions.

A group shot of various GOP candidates on debate stage, taken from a slightly elevated position to capture candid expressions and interaction. Each individual's identity should be clearly visible without overshadowing others. Taken with Sony Alpha a7 III.

An incensed Christie retorted: 'The most professional politician to fear on that stage last night is a person baselessly accusing all of us of betraying the American public.'

Christie also countered Ramaswamy's insinuations by highlighting the professional successes of his peers onstage, such as Doug Burgum's entrepreneurship and Tim Scott's rise from a single-parent background, framing Ramaswamy's allegations as unfounded.

His impassioned deflection led to him interrupting and deriding Ramaswamy as an 'amateur', fueling the intensity of the ongoing discussions.

In this heated exchange of words and divergent views, the GOP primary debate saw some distinct contestations indicating an intriguing presidential race ahead.