
published : 2023-09-24

Time’s running out for these GOP presidential candidates scrambling to qualify for the 2nd nomination debate

Fox Business and Univision are hosting the second Republican presidential nomination debate at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library Wednesday

A photo of former Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson engaged in a passionate speech during a campaign rally, taken with a Nikon D850.

Former Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson says he's working hard to qualify for next week's second Republican presidential nomination debate.

The clock's ticking for the Republican White House candidates still trying to make the stage for Wednesday's second GOP presidential nomination debate.

The candidates have until 9 p.m. ET Monday — 48 hours before the FOX Business- and Univision-hosted showdown at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in Simi Valley, California — to reach polling and donor thresholds required by the Republican National Committee to qualify for the debate.

According to a count, North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum on Saturday became the seventh candidate to meet the RNC's criteria.

Burgum's campaign and an allied super PAC made investments over the past week to try to boost the national ID of a politician who is far from a household name outside his native North Dakota in an attempt to make the stage. And it appears to have paid off.

An image capturing the tense moment as the clock ticks down for GOP presidential candidates vying to qualify for the nomination debate, taken with a Canon EOS R6.

Still aiming to qualify is former Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson, who, along with Burgum, took the stage last month at the first GOP presidential nominating debate.

"We made the last debate. It surprised everybody. People had counted us out. So, don’t count us out in this next debate," Hutchinson emphasized in a recent interview.

The RNC, which is organizing the GOP presidential primary debates, raised the thresholds the candidates need to reach to make the stage at the second showdown.

To participate in the second debate, each candidate must have a minimum of 50,000 unique donors to their campaigns or exploratory committees, including 200 donors in 20 or more states. The candidates must also reach 3% support in two national polls or reach 3% in one national poll and 3% in two polls conducted in Iowa, New Hampshire, Nevada, or South Carolina, the four states that lead off the Republican presidential nominating calendar.

Additionally, candidates are required to sign a pledge to support the eventual Republican presidential nominee. They must agree not to participate in any non-RNC-sanctioned debates for the rest of the 2024 election cycle and agree to data-sharing with the national party committee.

A shot of Republican White House candidates anxiously checking their polling and donor numbers, hoping to meet the qualifications for the next debate, taken with a Sony Alpha 7 III.

So far, seven of the eight candidates who took part in last month's first GOP presidential nomination debate have already met the RNC's criteria.

Former President Donald Trump, who has reached the donor and polling thresholds, did not sign the RNC's pledge. Pointing to his large lead over his rivals for the nomination, he did not attend the first debate and has already made alternative plans for Wednesday night.

Among those still trying to qualify for the second debate — who did not make the stage for the first debate — are 2022 Michigan gubernatorial candidate, businessman, and quality control expert Perry Johnson; former CIA agent and former Rep. Will Hurd of Texas; and Larry Elder, a former nationally syndicated radio host who was a candidate in California's 2021 gubernatorial recall election.

Hurd, who has said he will not sign the RNC's pledge due to his vocal criticism and opposition to Trump, told Fox News earlier this month, "We’re working hard to meet those requirements."

When asked if he would drop out of the race if he does not qualify for next week's debate, Hurd said, "My focus right now is to hit those requirements to be on that second debate stage, and then we’ll go from there."