
published : 2023-10-12

Biden's 'Unshakable' Commitment to Israeli Security and Safety

President Biden condemns Hamas terrorist acts and pledges unwavering support

Biden delivering a speech at the White House Rose Garden, taken with a Canon EOS 5D Mark IV

President Biden addressed the ongoing violence in Israel during a press conference at the White House Rose Garden.

He expressed his deep concern over the situation and assured the public of the United States' unwavering commitment to Israel's security and the safety of the Jewish people.

Biden started by acknowledging the pain and scars left by centuries of antisemitism and genocide against the Jewish people.

He firmly stated that there is no justification for terrorism and condemned the acts of Hamas, which he described as 'beyond the pale.'

Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu speaking at a press conference, taken with a Nikon D850

The president mentioned that he had been in close contact with Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu and emphasized that the United States fully supports Israel in its fight against terrorism.

He also underscored the need for clarity and unity in the international community in condemning terrorism and holding responsible those who perpetrate it.

With over 2,100 casualties on both sides and thousands more injured, the conflict has escalated to a dangerous level.

Israel has called up 360,000 reservists, the largest-ever mobilization in its history, in preparation for a ground offensive against Hamas.

Aerial view of Gaza City showing the destruction caused by the conflict, taken with a Sony A7III

Despite criticism from conservatives for not mentioning Iran directly, Biden reiterated his commitment to Israel's security and the safety of the Jewish people.

He assured that the United States has Israel's back and will continue to work closely with Israeli leaders to address the situation.

The president concluded by stating that the United States will remain dedicated to Israel's safety and security, underscoring the unshakable bond between the two nations.