Foreign Policy

published : 2023-09-23

Israeli PM Netanyahu: Getting Closer to Peace Every Day with Saudi Arabia

Netanyahu emphasizes the importance of including Palestinians in the peace process

A photo of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu delivering his speech at the United Nations General Assembly in New York City, taken with a Canon EOS 5D Mark IV.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu expressed his satisfaction with the optimistic tone from Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman regarding the ongoing efforts to normalize relations between the two countries. In an exclusive interview with Fox News anchor Bret Baier, Netanyahu highlighted that he believes they are getting closer to peace with each passing day.

The prime minister's remarks came after Baier's world exclusive interview with Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, where the prince described the potential agreement as the biggest historical deal since the end of the Cold War. However, he emphasized that the deal would depend on how the Palestinians are treated.

Netanyahu echoed the importance of involving the Palestinians in the peace process, but also expressed that they should not have a veto over it. He noted that for the past 25 years, no new peace treaties have been signed because of the focus on satisfying Palestinian demands. However, he argued that the Palestinians do not want peace with Israel, but rather a state instead of Israel.

A candid photo of Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman during his exclusive interview with Fox News anchor Bret Baier. This shot was taken with a Nikon D850.

During his speech at the United Nations General Assembly, Netanyahu highlighted that Israel and Saudi Arabia are on the cusp of a breakthrough peace agreement. He acknowledged the obstacles that still need to be overcome but emphasized the need for world leaders to unite and set aside their differences.

Netanyahu praised Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman's visionary approach to transforming both Saudi Arabia and the wider Middle East. He also reiterated his stance on preventing Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons, stating that every effort should be made to halt Iran's nuclear ambitions.

Lastly, Netanyahu addressed the deep opposition he faces from his own citizens regarding his judicial overhaul, which seeks to rebalance power. He emphasized the need to carefully and responsibly restore checks and balances to the supreme court in Israel.

A sunrise photo of the beautiful city skyline of Jerusalem, symbolizing the hope for peace in the Middle East. This stunning shot was captured with a Sony A7III.

In conclusion, the Israeli prime minister's interview highlights the progress being made in Israeli-Saudi relations and the ongoing pursuit of peace in the region. With a focus on involving the Palestinians while recognizing their true intentions, Netanyahu remains optimistic about the potential for a historic peace agreement.