
published : 2023-09-25

Pro-life Leader Denounces FBI, DOJ's Prosecution of Activists: 'It's a Different America'

Three Pro-life Activists Face Up to 11 Years in Prison under the Justice Department

Pro-life leader Bradley Mattes speaking at a rally, passionately defending the rights of the unborn. [Taken with Canon EOS 5D Mark IV]

Renowned pro-life organization, Bradley Mattes, has strongly criticized the recent federal charges brought against pro-life activists, deeming them a 'blatant politicization' of the FBI and Department of Justice.

In a recent interview with FOX News Digital, Life Issues Institute President Bradley Mattes expressed his concerns regarding the convictions of three activists on charges of federal civil rights conspiracy and violation of the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act. Each defendant in this case faces a potential sentence of up to 11 years in prison, along with probation and hefty fines.

Mattes, who has been involved in the pro-life movement for over 40 years, highlighted the disproportionate treatment of pro-life activists compared to their pro-choice counterparts. He argues that pro-choice activists have largely evaded prosecution, suggesting a clear bias within the FBI and Department of Justice.

Expressing his worries about this alarming trend, Mattes stated, 'It's a blatant politicization of the FBI and Department of Justice. Our government is being weaponized against us. They are using these resources against their political foes, people who dare disagree with them. It is something that really Americans should look at, and it should send a chill up their spine, because this is not the America we know and love. It's a different America now. And I'm really worried about the future, not just for pro-lifers, but anybody who stands up for the truth and integrity.'

Department of Justice (DOJ) building symbolizing the power and influence of the government. [Taken with Nikon D850]

Mattes emphasized the need for a fair and unbiased justice system, pointing out the concerning disparity in the number of prosecutions against pro-life groups compared to pro-choice groups under U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland's tenure.

'Congress has seen the memos. They've seen the emails. All that clearly demonstrates there is a bias. They just can't lie their way out of it,' Mattes revealed during a House Judiciary Committee meeting.

Furthermore, Mattes highlighted the case of Mark Houck, a pro-life activist who was arrested in his home by a large contingent of armed FBI agents. This incident, occurring in September 2022, serves as a chilling example of the government's intimidation tactics.

Facing these oppressive tactics, Mattes encouraged his fellow activists to remain steadfast and united, not only in defense of unborn lives but in support of one another. 'We need to make sure that we are a voice not only for the voiceless babies but also for those who are being victimized by our own government. We've got to be vocal about this and make sure that as many people hear about this as possible,' he passionately urged.

Pro-life activists peacefully protesting outside a clinic, advocating for the protection of life. [Taken with Sony Alpha A7 III]

In the face of adversity, Mattes sees a beacon of hope. 'I think that we can be a beacon of light in the dark world,' he affirmed.

The alarming prosecution of three pro-life activists, along with the disproportionate focus on pro-life groups by the Department of Justice, raises concerns about the erosion of justice and the suppression of dissenting voices in America.

Bringing attention to this issue is crucial, as it not only affects the pro-life movement but also potentially impacts anyone who stands up for truth and integrity in a nation where the government's power is misused for political purposes.

As the future unfolds, it remains to be seen whether justice will prevail and America will restore its commitment to freedom of speech and fair treatment under the law.