Air & Space

published : 2023-09-07

Five Asteroids to Pass Earth This Week, Including One as Big as a House: NASA

An object larger than 492 feet is deemed 'potentially' hazardous, NASA says

Five asteroids racing through space, a spectacular image captured by the powerful lens of the Nikon D850.

A thrilling journey awaits as Earth prepares for the close encounters of not one, but five asteroids this week. In an unprecedented event set to captivate the world, NASA reveals that these celestial visitors will come within striking distance of our planet.

The first asteroid, a colossal rock named JA5, looms over the horizon. As big as a house and measuring nearly 60 feet in length, JA5 is destined to pass within a mere 3.17 million miles of Earth. Its presence, observed since 2021, serves as a humbling reminder of the vastness of our universe.

A close-up view of the house-sized asteroid, JA5, as it gracefully passes by Earth. This stunning photograph was taken with the Canon EOS R6.

But the spectacle doesn't end there. Brace yourself for the flybys of two more extraordinary asteroids: QC5 and GE. QC5, akin to the size of a plane, stretches about 83 feet in length. It will soar by Earth on Friday, flirting dangerously close at 2.53 million miles. As if that's not enough, GE, as large as a bus, will follow suit, drifting at a distance of approximately 3.56 million miles.

But hold onto your seats, for the drama continues. Two final asteroids, QE8 and QF6, make their grand entrance on Sunday. QE8, the closest of the five to grace Earth, boasts a length of approximately 170 feet, coming tantalizingly close at a mere 946,000 miles away. Meanwhile, QF6, measuring just under 70 feet, dances gracefully at a distance of 1.65 million miles from our beloved planet.

The majestic QC5 asteroid, resembling a plane in size, captured in all its glory through the lens of the Sony A7R IV.

However, amid the excitement, let us not forget to appreciate the relative safety of these cosmic encounters. NASA's stern watchful eye maintains a meticulous watch over our skies, assuring us that none of these visitors pose a significant threat. While an object larger than 492 feet is labeled 'potentially' hazardous, these asteroids fall well below the danger mark.

So, dear readers, let us embark on this thrilling celestial spectacle together. With minds filled with awe and wonder, we witness the grandeur of our universe as these cosmic wanderers traverse the vast expanses of space. Prepare to be astonished by the cosmic ballet unfolding above, and embrace the marvels that lie beyond our planet's reaches.