
published : 2023-08-21

Blaze Engulfs Brooklyn Businesses as New York City Firefighters Wage Intense Battle; Trio of Minors Rescued in Separate Blaze

NYC's bravest extinguish massive 5-alarm fire in Brooklyn business district, while rescuing three young children from another inferno earlier in the day.

"Fire Chief John Hodges reviewing a map of the blazing area, taken with Nikon D850."

In an intense display of bravery and skill, Fire Department, New York City (FDNY) firefighters combated a colossal five-alarm fire in Brooklyn this past Sunday which injured 10 fire and EMS personnel.

The massive blaze, reported on Sunday afternoon, swept through several businesses at 106 Lee Ave. in Brooklyn.

FDNY Fire Commissioner Laura Kavanagh confirmed that fire and EMS brigades responded to the inferno within a remarkable four-minute window.

All the injured crew members are in stable health condition, bringing relief amidst the chaos of the fire.

"A courageous fireman sawing through a locked store amid smoke and fire, captured with Canon EOS R5."

The scene of the incident was a nine-store complex that posed a significant challenge to the firefighters due to the complex design and locked stores, according to FDNY Chief John Hodges.

Nevertheless, Heroic firefighters swiftly sawed their way into the buildings, which allowed them to battle the intensifying inferno, escalated by the hot weather and a head start.

In a parallel incident earlier that day, FDNY teams responded to another blaze reported at 383 Livonia Ave., which signaled danger from a 14-story building's 11th floor.

Despite encountering a locked door on the 11th floor, the quick-thinking crew gained entry to rescue three children ages 8, 5, and 4.

"Rescue teams administering CPR to a rescued child, snapped with Sony A7R IV."

Immediate CPR was administered to the children until EMS personnel arrived and provided advanced lifesaving care.

Within a mere twelve minutes from the initial call, the children were rescued - a testament to the FDNY crews' efficiency and training.

An investigation into the Livonia Avenue fire is ongoing, led by the New York City police, focusing on why the minors were at home alone; the children's father has since been detained.