
published : 2023-08-22

Sudden Surge of Violence in West Bank After Israeli Woman Is Murdered

The incident, two days after another deadly episode, has fueled the worst fighting in the West Bank in years

A silhouette of a woman looking out over a rugged landscape of the West Bank, encapsulating the tense atmosphere. Taken with a Nikon D850.

In a tragic onslaught of violence in the south of the occupied West Bank on Monday, an Israeli woman was savagely murdered and a man severely injured by a suspected Palestinian attacker.

This horrific event, igniting renewed bouts of violence, came just two days subsequent to an encounter that resulted in the death of two Israelis.

Disturbingly, eight Palestinians were injured during an Israeli army raid near Nablus city later on the same Monday. One among them, grappled with dire conditions after being critically wounded by a gunshot to the head.

These ongoing conflicts signify a dangerous escalation that has been building over the last few months among Palestinian militants, Israeli forces, and radical Jewish settlers.

All of this transpires against a volatile backdrop where Israeli forces are on high alert and engaged in a relentless search for the gunman responsible for the killings in the northern West Bank this past Saturday.

Fueling this pyre of conflict are armed Palestinians leading shooting attacks, the Israeli army's encroaching and oft-fatal raids to apprehend militants, and Jewish settlers retaliating against Palestinians.

Close up of a street sign reading 'Route 60' with the Palestinian city of Hebron in the background, capturing the foreboding locale of the recent attack. Taken with a Canon EOS R5.

An Israeli woman's life was abruptly terminated, and a man was critically wounded when a Palestinian gunman opened fire at their car on Route 60, near the Palestinian city of Hebron.

In the aftermath of this tragic incident, the Al Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades, an armed group associated with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas’s Fatah party, audaciously claimed responsibility for the shooting.

Miraculously, a 6-year-old girl present in the car, managed to escape unscathed. The male victim, however, was urgently rushed to a medical facility.

The last rites of Batsheva Nigri, a beloved mother of three and a kindergarten teacher who resided in the Jewish settlement of Beit Hagai near Hebron, were conducted amidst grieving family members and a traumatized community.

Elsewhere, near the border fence with Israel in the Gaza Strip, hundreds of Palestinian protestors were wounded by Israeli fire and tear gas.

Mounting concern prevails, as these instances of violence follow closely after another recent incident in the northern Palestinian town of Hawara, where an Israeli father and son were brutally murdered.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu giving an impassioned speech, reflecting the urgency of the escalating violence. Taken with a Sony Alpha 7 III.

During his visit to the scene of these attacks, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu voiced his concern about Israel being 'in the grips of a new terror offensive', accusing Iran of sponsoring it.

The deserperate situation has claimed the lives of nearly 180 Palestinians, as a repercussion of Israeli fire since the beginning of this year. However, Israel maintains that most of the individuals killed were militants.

But the death toll also includes youths merely accused of stone throwing and those with no engagement in the conflicts.

On the flip side, it is estimated that around 30 people have lost their lives to Palestinian attacks against Israelis during the same period.

According to Israel, these intermittent raids aim to dismantle militant networks and prevent future attacks. On the other hand, Palestinians believe that these incursions undermine their security forces, inspire further militancy, and solidify Israeli control over the lands they hope to claim for a future state.