Digital Originals

published : 2023-10-13

American Jews Unite: Boston Community Collects Gear for Israel Defense Forces

"Bring a little more light into the mountain of darkness that Hamas is perpetrating," says the rabbi who led the effort

An image capturing the unity of the Boston Jewish community, as members come together to pack supplies and gear for the Israel Defense Forces. (Taken with a Nikon D850)

The Boston Jewish community came together in a remarkable display of unity to support the Israel Defense Forces by collecting and sending supplies and gear. The effort was spearheaded by Rabbi Yaakov Green, the Head of Maimonides School, who expressed the importance of shedding light on the darkness created by Hamas, Hezbollah, and Iran.

Over 1,200 people in Israel have lost their lives since Hamas breached the Israeli-Gaza border and unleashed atrocities on villages, roads, and even a rave. The Palestinian death toll has also surpassed 1,200, largely due to Israel's retaliatory air strikes.

With a deep desire to help their fellow Jews and an overwhelming sense of solidarity, members of the Boston area Jewish community mobilized to provide much-needed assistance. The community rallied behind the cause, not only donating supplies and bags but also offering their time and support.

A heartfelt moment at Maimonides School, where volunteers of all ages hum along to Jewish music while preparing the luggage bags filled with essential gear. (Taken with a Canon EOS R5)

At Maimonides School, dozens of volunteers of all ages gathered in the school cafeteria, humming along to Jewish music and carrying Israeli flags. They meticulously prepared 40 luggage bags filled with essential gear, including camelbacks, tactical flashlights, sleeping bags, camping mattresses, headlamps, thermal clothing, large zip ties, hand warmers, and batteries.

In addition to the physical donations, the community also raised funds to cover the costs of shipping the bags to Israel. The commitment and determination of everyone involved were driven by a shared belief in the fight against global terrorism.

Rabbi Green, witnessing the devastating impact of the war on the Boston-area Jewish community, described it as unimaginable and a living nightmare. The tragedy struck home when the mother of an alumnus received the heartbreaking news that her son-in-law, Yosef Malachi Guedalia, had been killed in action while fighting in an elite unit.

Rabbi Yaakov Green, the driving force behind the collection effort, passionately addressing the community, rallying them to bring light into the darkness created by terrorist groups. (Taken with a Sony Alpha a7 III)

The emotional turmoil and fear experienced by the Jewish community served as a powerful catalyst for their swift action. They refuse to stand idly by and watch evil prevail. Their efforts express a resolute determination to bring light into the darkness created by terrorist groups like Hamas.

Despite encountering anti-Israel protesters in a neighboring town, Rabbi Green remains steadfast in his belief that there are no two sides to this conflict—only humanity and inhuman behavior.

This united display of support from the Boston Jewish community serves as a testament to their unwavering commitment to their homeland and their kin. It is a story of resilience, compassion, and the unyielding spirit of those who choose to fight against darkness and oppression, no matter where they are in the world.