
published : 2023-11-30

Americans Need Extra $11,400 to Afford Basics as GOP Lawmakers Blame 'Bidenomics'

Republican lawmakers criticize President Biden's economic policies

A photo of an American family managing their budget, taken with a Canon EOS 5D Mark IV.

Republican lawmakers and more called out President Biden and his administration on Wednesday while reacting to a new report that found Americans need an extra $11,400 just to afford the basics. They pointed to the president's economic policies and his 'Bidenomics' message.

According to a recent analysis by Republican members of the U.S. Senate Joint Economic Committee, a typical American household would need an 'extra $11,434 to maintain the same standard of living they enjoyed in January of 2021.' The analysis revealed that the increased cost of basic goods is impacting Americans' ability to afford their daily needs.

Furthermore, the report indicated that the situation might be worse on a state-by-state basis. In Colorado, for example, the average American household must spend an extra $15,000 per year to maintain the same standard of living as in 2021.

A picture of a Colorado landscape with rising living costs, taken with a Nikon D850.

In response to the report, several Republican lawmakers expressed their concerns and placed blame on Biden's economic policies. Rep. Eli Crane, R-Ariz., referred to 'Bidenomics' as a 'huge tax' on Americans, emphasizing the negative impact on future generations. Rep. Ken Buck from Colorado echoed these concerns, stating that the situation in his state is even more challenging.

Rep. Brett Guthrie, R-Ky., emphasized that Americans deserve better and criticized what he called the 'real Bidenomics in action.' The dissatisfaction with Biden's handling of the economy is not limited to Republican lawmakers but extends to the broader public. A Gallup poll revealed that only 32% of Americans approve of his economic policies.

The White House, however, remains focused on addressing the situation. President Biden recently announced the establishment of the White House Council on Supply Chain Resilience, along with 30 new actions aimed at improving supply chain efficiency and supporting the availability of essential products. Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg joined in by highlighting the importance of supply chains for reliable deliveries and job creation.

A snapshot of President Biden addressing the economy, taken with a Sony A7 III.

Despite these efforts, the criticism surrounding 'Bidenomics' continues. Rep. Larry Buschon, R-Ind., expressed that the economic policies under Biden's administration are making life harder for families, remarking that they deserve better. Sen. Joni Ernst, R-Iowa, echoed these sentiments in a social media post, stating clearly that 'Bidenomics is not working, period.'

In an attempt to counter the criticism, President Biden plans to promote his economic accomplishments in Colorado, aiming to address concerns raised by Rep. Lauren Boebert, R-Colo., who recently stated that her constituents are being 'crushed by so-called 'Bidenomics.''

As the debate surrounding Biden's economic policies rages on, the discontent with 'Bidenomics' intensifies. Republican lawmakers and many Americans believe that the economic challenges they are facing require a different approach. The impact of these policies on their daily lives cannot be ignored.