
published : 2023-09-30

A Parent's Guide to Improving Literacy Skills

Starting Early: The Key to Literacy Development

A photo of a parent and child reading together, showcasing the joy and importance of early literacy development. (Taken with Canon EOS 5D Mark IV)

Enriched Literacy Education co-founders Mary Cantwell and Brooke Ooten discuss declining literacy rates in the U.S. and New York's plan to tackle the decline on 'Sunday Night In America.'

Literacy is crucial for a child's ability to read and write. While schools play a role in teaching these skills, parental support is also essential for their success.

It's never too early to introduce reading and writing to your children. Building these skills into their daily routines from an early age is vital.

Storytime can begin even before a child utters their first words. Establishing the habit of reading early on will make it stick as they grow older.

Start reading to your baby at any age. Incorporate reading into their nap and bedtime routines to create familiarity and allow them to absorb the rhythm and patterns of your voice.

As children grow older, their involvement in storytime will increase. Instead of simply reading a book from start to finish, encourage them to identify and explore new vocabulary words.

Make reading a lifelong habit for your child. Starting early and continuing through their childhood will ensure a strong foundation in literacy.

A snapshot of a child picking out a book at the library, filled with excitement and anticipation for their reading journey. (Taken with Nikon D850)

To expand their vocabulary, take time to discuss the meaning of words with your children. Encourage them to repeat the words after you, gradually building their language skills.

Allow your child to choose the books they read. Letting them pick the book for the night will ignite their excitement for reading.

Remember, the important thing is that they are reading something. Whether it's a storybook, magazine, or digital content, encourage their reading habits.

Listening to your child read aloud is an excellent way to improve their literacy skills and gauge their progress. However, reading out loud for extended periods can be daunting. Take turns reading aloud and let them hear you read as well.

Always make reading a fun experience. Use an enthusiastic tone when reading to your child; your energy will inspire their interest.

Establish reading as a consistent part of your child's routine. While bedtime is a popular time, reading can be integrated into other points throughout the day too.

The library is a treasure trove of books that can ignite excitement in your child. Take them on regular trips to the library where they can choose their own books to enjoy.

An image of a parent and child writing in their respective journals, fostering a love for both reading and writing. (Taken with Sony Alpha a7 III)

Lead by example. Let your children see you actively engaged in reading. Your reading habits will inspire them to follow suit.

To enhance vocabulary, label common objects around the house. Seeing words spelled out and associated with their meanings aids in your child's literacy development.

Encourage writing alongside reading. Get your child a brand-new journal to spark their enthusiasm for writing at home.

By following these tips and fostering a love for reading and writing, you can set your child on the path to literacy success.

Remember, this journey begins early, and it's never too late to start. Embrace stories, language, and the power of words to empower your child.