
published : 2023-08-22

New York University Accused of Discrimination for Evicting Migrants from Campus Dormitory

Migrants' Removal from Buffalo State Campus Seen as a Reaction to 'Prejudice'

An image of Chrisssy Casilio speaking at a public event, showing her passion and dedication to her community. Taken with Nikon D850.

Renowned Republican candidate for Erie County executive, Chrissy Casilio, has voiced her concerns about the relocation of migrants to her community following her county's decision to resistant resettlement.

Buffalo State University, situated in New York State, is now under scrutiny for alleged discrimination. This comes after the university announced its decision to evict 44 migrants, who were temporarily housed within its dorms, ahead of the students' return to the classrooms.

Originally, the university opened its doors to these displaced people due to the Jericho Road Vive Shelter facing an accommodation crisis due to a surge in migrant arrivals.

Recently, the university communicated its decision to Jericho Road's CEO and founder, Dr. Myron Glick. Their decision to end the housing agreement came as a response to growing concerns related to student safety, fears that were provoked by parents.

These concerns appear linked to two unrelated incidents in which migrants were charged with sexual crimes at hotels located in Cheektowaga, a town near Buffalo State's campus.

Dr. Glick has criticized the university's actions and expressed his belief that the institution is punishing all the migrants for the actions of two unrelated individuals.

A high angle shot of Buffalo State University's dormitory where the migrants were housed, depicting the aspect of the story where the university plays a significant role. Taken with Canon EOS 5D Mark IV.

In support of the evicted individuals, Dr. Glick stated, 'These asylum-seekers are human beings just like you and me, and being discriminatory towards them is not a solution. We must voice our support for them. They need to know that we stand with them as fellow human beings. Silence in the face of such injustice is not an option.'

Dr. Glick further implied that the university's decision was an unfortunate response to the rising 'prejudice' in the community.

The original agreement between Jericho Road and Buffalo State was made discreetly earlier this year.

Buffalo State's interim President Bonita R. Durand, commenting on this issue to The Buffalo News, claimed that the agreement with Jericho Road Vive Shelter was intended to last from May to August, but the request to extend it further to February resulted in its termination.

President Durand considered it necessary to launch the academic year with a primary focus on the students and university campus.

She addressed her tough decisions, stating, 'We respect and admire the work that Jericho Road does in our community. Their mission is vital. However, the decision to discontinue our housing agreement was taken keeping the welfare of our student body and campus community in mind.'

A candid portrait of Dr. Myron Glick, highlighting the relevance of his contribution and viewpoint in this narrative. Taken with Fujifilm X-T4.

In a letter to Jericho Road, the university requested the removal of all property belonging to the organization and the migrant occupants and the restoration of the premises to its previous condition.

President Durand contended that her decision was fueled by the university's desire to create an optimized learning environment for its students, not by the incidents that occurred in Cheektowaga.

According to Jericho Road, many of the evicted migrants, including several families with children under the age of 12, are originally from African countries, while others hail from the Western Hemisphere, including Colombia, Haiti, and the Dominican Republic. One individual even fled from Iraq.

These migrants are all in the process of seeking asylum and are now, once again, in need of accommodation as Jericho Road struggles to find alternative housing options.