
published : 2023-11-04

Speaker Johnson Must Return People's House to Needs of the People

House Should Stand up to Biden to Do What People Want on Border, Economy, and Israel

A powerful image of Speaker Johnson addressing a crowd during a rally, taken with a Nikon D850 camera.

America is facing a border crisis with devastating consequences for safety and security, a war in Europe and the Middle East, a floundering economy, and an incompetent administration with a senile executive. In these challenging times, Congress is in dire need of strong leadership.

The People's House requires a conservative leader who recognizes the urgency of the moment and is ready to take action. Louisiana Republican Rep. Mike Johnson is the perfect candidate for the job.

For far too long, the inhabitants of the D.C. swamp have either been unwilling or unable to step up and deliver results for the American people. However, their failures only underscore the historic opportunity for the new Speaker of the House.

Speaker Johnson is relatable to the American people, with defenders claiming that living paycheck to paycheck makes him understand their struggles.

An intense photo of a border patrol agent standing guard at the U.S.-Mexico border, taken with a Canon EOS 5D Mark IV camera.

In a divided government and polarized electorate, effective communication and principled action are essential for advancing a conservative agenda. Speaker Johnson must hold fast to the promises conservatives made in securing the majority and refuse to accept Washington's status quo.

One of Johnson's first priorities should be providing necessary and immediate support to our ally Israel in its battle against Hamas. House Republicans must make it clear that this is not the time for political games, as President Biden and the Senate manipulate support for Israel to secure funding for other programs.

Confronting Biden's devastating border crisis is also crucial. Johnson must commit to making border security a priority separate from other funding debates, such as Ukraine. The safety of American citizens and national sovereignty should never be compromised.

Furthermore, Johnson must address the economic hardships faced by everyday Americans. Under Biden's reckless spending, inflation has reached its highest point in 40 years, causing families to lose $7,300 per year. Rising mortgage rates make homeownership unattainable for millions.

A close-up shot of a family struggling to make ends meet, highlighting the economic hardships faced by everyday Americans, taken with a Sony A7III camera.

To restore America's economic stability, Johnson needs to craft common-sense policies that reduce government spending, stimulate growth, and create jobs. The expiring continuing resolution provides an opportunity for conservatives to demand changes to business as usual.

The House must also address the weaponization of government agencies, such as the Department of Defense, Department of Justice, and IRS. The speaker must recognize this threat to our republic and take decisive action.

Tackling these issues won't be easy, but with the full array of tools at his disposal, Speaker Johnson can lead congressional Republicans to secure victories for the American people. It's a challenging task, but the Heritage Foundation is committed to working with Speaker Johnson and congressional allies to restore American leadership abroad and deliver positive change at home.