
published : 2023-11-09

GOP Lawmaker Raises Alarm on 'Dangerous' Threat to US from Porous Border

Encounters at the Northern Border Increase Significantly in Recent Months

A photo taken with a Canon EOS 5D Mark IV capturing Rep. Mike Kelly testifying before the House Judiciary Committee, emphasizing the challenges posed by the unwatched northern border.

A Republican House lawmaker, Rep. Mike Kelly, is warning that the U.S.-Canada border is 'virtually unwatched' and being overlooked in Washington D.C.

Speaking after testifying to the House Judiciary Committee about the threats and challenges posed by the northern border, Kelly emphasized the need to understand the magnitude of the issue.

The northern border spans 5,500 miles, making it the longest contiguous border in the world, yet it lacks sufficient monitoring.

While the southern border crisis receives significant attention, the northern border remains relatively unpatrolled.

In recent months, there has been a sharp increase in migrant encounters at the U.S.-Canada border, with numbers surpassing the last 10 years combined.

An image captured with a Nikon D850 showing a line of migrants crossing the U.S.-Canada border, symbolizing the surge in encounters at the northern border.

This surge is attributed to a hemisphere-wide movement of migrants, with many flying to Canada from South America before entering the U.S. through the less guarded northern border.

Unlike the obstacles faced on the southern border, crossing the northern border is relatively easy with no major physical barriers.

The inadequate staff to monitor the northern border poses a significant challenge in addressing illegal crossings and drug smuggling.

Rep. Kelly highlighted alarming statistics, revealing that 55% of all illegal drug seizures by weight occurred at the northern border.

Furthermore, the majority of encounters with individuals from the terror watch list in FY23 occurred at ports of entry along the northern border.

A photograph taken with a Sony Alpha a7 III revealing the vastness of the 5,500-mile U.S.-Canada border, highlighting the need for improved monitoring and security measures.

Despite the establishment of a new border deal with Canada in the spring, aimed at deterring illegal migration, Kelly dismissed it as mere 'optics'.

He emphasized the urgent need to address staffing issues, improve immigration policies, and develop a comprehensive plan to secure the northern border.

Kelly believes that the threats at the northern border will eventually gain attention, but stresses the importance of taking action now to protect lives and preserve the nation's culture.