
published : 2023-09-28

GOP Senator Criticizes Biden's Immigration Policies and Cartel Influence

Sen. Katie Britt condemns Biden's immigration 'lecturing' as border policies contribute to an 'American nightmare'

Sen. Katie Britt passionately speaking at the news conference discussing the border crisis, taken with a Nikon D850.

Sen. Katie Britt, a Republican senator from Alabama, strongly criticized President Biden's handling of immigration policies, stating that they are enabling the reach of Mexican cartels throughout the country. She argued that instead of promoting the American Dream, these policies are creating an 'American nightmare.'

Speaking at a news conference alongside Senate Republican leaders, Britt echoed Sen. Ted Cruz's condemnation of the media for not reporting on the 'indefensible' and 'evil' happenings at the border, which he likened to modern-day slavery. Britt urged journalists to shed light on the influence of drug cartels in the United States.

According to Britt, the drug cartels have a considerable presence in the country. She stressed the need for media outlets to share stories from migrants who reveal the extent of cartel activities, such as their payments, destinations, jobs, and ongoing debts. Britt emphasized that this situation does not align with the American Dream but instead constitutes an American nightmare.

Furthermore, Britt argued that former President Donald Trump effectively secured the border, while under Biden's administration, there have been over 6 million illegal border crossings, including 2.4 million in the 2022 fiscal year.

Aerial view of the U.S.-Mexico border showing the vast landscape and potential smuggling routes, captured with a DJI Mavic 2 Pro.

Expressing her frustration, Britt stated, 'I am so sick of Joe Biden lecturing us about the soul of America. He needs to have the heart to listen, the compassion to hear the stories, and the courage to take decisive action.' She called for a collaborative effort to address the border crisis.

During the press conference, Sen. Lindsey Graham criticized the Biden administration's proposed compromise, which did not allocate funding for immigration enforcement and combating cartels. Instead, money was directed toward housing illegal immigrants. Britt joined Graham in condemning this decision, which she deemed an 'absolute joke' that would worsen the crisis.

Britt projected that, by the end of Biden's tenure, there would be over 10 million people in the country illegally. She argued that this number, if concentrated in one place, would make it the 11th largest state in the United States, emphasizing the severity of the situation.

The senator recalled her visit to the border alongside Sens. Marsha Blackburn and John Cornyn, where they spoke with women who shared harrowing stories of their experiences. Britt described the sexual violence and abuse that these women endure on a daily basis. She emphasized that the loss of lives, including women and children, due to the Biden administration's policies, needs to be addressed through real policy changes, as opposed to simply throwing money at the problem.

Former President Donald Trump addressing a crowd about border security during his time in office, taken with a Canon EOS-1D X Mark III.

The article highlights the significant increase in illegal border crossings, with at least 232,972 people apprehended in August alone, representing a 365% increase compared to the same month in 2020. It also mentions that 151 individuals captured at the border were identified as being on the terrorist watch list in 2023.

In conclusion, Britt urged for action to address the border crisis and emphasized the need for real solutions. She expressed confidence in her party's ability to propose effective measures while calling on the Biden administration to acknowledge the severity of the situation and work together to find a resolution.