
published : 2023-11-11

This Veterans Day, four key lessons on leadership in America from a former Marine

Former Marine shares his insights for winning organizations of any type

Former President George W. Bush participating in the Warrior Bike Ride for America's veterans, taken with a Nikon D850

In Crawford, Texas, on Friday, Nov. 10, former president George W. Bush held his 9th Warrior Bike Ride for America's veterans — and shared with Dr. Marc Siegel of Fox News the importance of staying positive.

On Veterans Day each year, the nation honors the more than 18 million Americans who have served our country. Services, parades, luncheons and other special events take place to acknowledge the sacrifices and service of our military.

The transition of veterans back into their communities and into the workplace remains a vital and ongoing step — with wide-reaching impacts.

Andrew McClure, a managing director at Forgepoint Capital based in Silicon Valley, shared the value of veterans in the workforce. He emphasized that veterans bring experience, dedication, discipline, initiative, and demonstrated leadership skills that are highly sought after by employers.

Andrew McClure, managing director at Forgepoint Capital, discussing the value of veterans in the workforce, taken with a Canon EOS R

As a former Marine himself, McClure acknowledges that his military experience has made him a better citizen and business leader.

McClure shared four tips and insights for successful leaders of any group, organization, or company.

First, he emphasized the importance of service-based leadership, prioritizing an organization's needs before one's own.

Second, McClure highlighted the distinction between formal authority and moral authority, stating that earning trust through performance, competence, and rectitude is essential for true leadership.

A group of Marines engaging in mission rehearsals, building pattern recognition, taken with a Sony Alpha A7 III

Third, he emphasized the need to decentralize decision-making, recognizing the value of frontline feedback and empowering individuals to make real-time decisions.

Fourth, McClure stressed the significance of taking responsibility for actions and creating a culture of accountability within an organization.

He concluded by discussing the Marines' unity of effort and the importance of fostering a sense of unity, mission, and association in achieving a common goal.

McClure acknowledged that these strategies are second nature to veterans and emphasized their potential value in mission-driven teams across various industries.