Personal Freedoms

published : 2023-09-16

Ohio Murder Suspect Breaks into Georgia Home, Confronted by Armed Family Man

Michael James Brooks II to Face Charges for Burglary, Home Invasion, Theft, and Murder

An image of Michael James Brooks II, the Ohio murder suspect, being escorted by deputies. (Photo taken with Nikon D850)

A wanted Ohio man, Michael James Brooks II, was shot during a home invasion in Georgia after breaking into a family's home on Thursday.

The 77-year-old homeowner defended his family by confronting the intruder with a firearm.

Brooks, who has an extensive criminal history, will be charged with burglary, home invasion, theft, and murder when he is released from medical care.

The Fayette County Sheriff's Office revealed that the suspect is wanted for the stabbing death of a woman in Columbus, Ohio, and for a carjacking incident.

According to investigators, the targeted home in Georgia was chosen at random, and authorities are currently determining any connections between Brooks and both states.

A photo of the Fayette County Sheriff's Office responding to the burglary call at the Georgia home. (Photo taken with Canon EOS 5D Mark IV)

Deputies responded swiftly to the burglary call, and the armed homeowner encountered the intruder, who was brandishing a knife, in the basement.

After warning the suspect, the homeowner fired two shots and relocated to a defensive position on the second-floor staircase.

Upon arrival, the deputies found the intruder with two gunshot wounds, and he was subsequently taken into custody.

Brooks was transported to the hospital for treatment before he faces charges for his actions in Georgia and the murder charges in Ohio.

The investigation into both incidents continues, as law enforcement pieces together the events leading up to the home invasion and the previous murder in Columbus.

An aerial shot of the University District in Columbus, Ohio, where the fatal stabbing occurred. (Photo taken with Sony A7 III)

With a criminal background including aggravated robbery and robbery, Brooks had been released on parole earlier this year before the recent deadly crimes.

The authorities are focused on understanding how Brooks arrived in the University District of Columbus, where he carried out the fatal stabbing.

Surveillance footage captured Brooks riding a bicycle in the area without pants after the attack and later revealed his movements during the incident.

Forensic evidence from the victim's home led to the identification of Brooks and subsequent murder warrants were issued.

This case further highlights the need for strict adherence to parole and sentencing procedures to prevent potentially dangerous individuals from committing further crimes.