Personal Freedoms

published : 2023-09-30

NRA Criticizes Biden's New 'Gun Violence Prevention' Office and Director's Biases

The White House Office of Gun Violence Prevention faces backlash from the NRA

An image of a peaceful protest for gun control, with people holding signs advocating for stricter regulations. (Taken with a Canon EOS 5D Mark IV)

The Biden administration's new White House Office of so-called 'Gun Violence Prevention' has come under fire from the NRA.

NRA spokesman Billy McLaughlin criticized the office's director, Stefanie Feldman, for her biased views and agenda.

Feldman's social media posts, targeting the NRA and promising executive action on gun control, have raised concerns.

A close-up shot of Kamala Harris addressing a crowd at an event focused on gun violence prevention. (Taken with a Nikon D850)

President Biden announced the creation of the office, with Vice President Kamala Harris leading and Feldman as the director.

Biden emphasized the importance of the issue and the need to save lives more quickly through centralized efforts.

Feldman's past posts on X, dating back to 2019, express her determination to defeat the NRA and ban assault weapons.

A photograph of a gun safety workshop, where participants are being instructed on proper firearm handling. (Taken with a Sony Alpha a7 III)

Harris has also shown support for Biden's efforts to tackle gun violence and has taken on the NRA in the past.

The NRA argues that the Biden administration is using gun control to divert attention from rising crime rates.

Critics question the effectiveness of previous gun control measures and call for a focus on other pressing issues.