Personal Freedoms

published : 2023-10-12

New Mexico Governor Defends Efforts to Suspend Gun-Carry Rights in Public Areas

Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham treats gun violence as a public health epidemic and faces backlash

New Mexico Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham speaking at a press conference, taken with a Canon EOS 5D Mark IV

New Mexico Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham stood her ground on Tuesday, defending her decision to treat gun violence as a public health epidemic. She pointed to recent firearms seizures, reduced reports of gunfire in Albuquerque, and an increase in jail bookings as evidence of the need for action.

Grisham's efforts to suspend gun-carry rights in public parks and playgrounds have faced legal challenges. A federal judge temporarily blocked these provisions, with a Wednesday deadline to decide on indefinite blocking while court challenges are resolved.

In a news conference, Governor Lujan Grisham appeared with officials from various departments, all committed to addressing the ravages of gun violence and drugs. They unveiled a new website dashboard for gun violence statistics in the Albuquerque area.

A group of children playing in a public park, taken with a Nikon D850

The governor emphasized her determination to eliminate gun violence as an epidemic and a public health emergency. She acknowledged the controversy surrounding the gun restriction provisions, with critics arguing against the infringement of constitutional rights.

While awaiting the court's ruling, Lujan Grisham expressed her responsibility to explore opportunities for gun-free 'safe spaces' amidst changing judicial precedents.

The conflict emerges in the aftermath of a Supreme Court decision that expanded gun rights. As politically liberal-leaning states explore new avenues for restrictions, Governor Lujan Grisham's emergency orders encompass directives for monthly firearms dealer inspections, gun-buyback programs, and reports on gunshot victims.

A courtroom with a judge presiding, symbolizing the court ruling, taken with a Sony A7 III

The governor scaled back initial gun restrictions in the public health order, which she included in response to non-compliance from the sheriff and Albuquerque police chief. The order now focuses on a statistical threshold for violent crime specific to Albuquerque and the surrounding area.

State police have been granted authority to assess civil penalties and fines for infractions, reaching up to $5,000.

Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham's determination to combat gun violence remains unwavering. Stay tuned for updates on the court's ruling and the ongoing efforts to safeguard New Mexicans from the epidemic of gun violence.