
published : 2023-11-08

Kosovo to Document Serbian War Crimes with Institute Dedicated to 1998 Conflict

1998-99 war killed over 10,000 people, primarily Kosovar Albanians

Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti speaking at a press conference regarding the establishment of the institute.

Kosovo is taking a bold step towards justice by establishing an institute dedicated to documenting Serbia’s crimes against its population during the 1998-1999 war, as announced by Prime Minister Albin Kurti.

The aim of this institute is to ensure that the tragic history of the Kosovar Albanians, who suffered immensely at the hands of criminal Serbia, is widely known and acknowledged.

A group of Kosovar Albanians holding a memorial ceremony to honor the victims of the 1998-1999 war.

In those fateful years, a brutal war between Serbia and Kosovo claimed the lives of over 10,000 people, with the majority being Kosovo Albanians.

Only after a 78-day NATO bombing campaign did the conflict come to an end, compelling Serbian forces to withdraw from Kosovo.

Aerial view of NATO forces bombing Serbian positions during the conflict, captured by a drone camera.

Since then, tensions between Kosovo and Serbia have remained high, revealing the unresolved wounds and an alarming possibility of renewed conflict.

Kosovo's declaration of independence in 2008, which Belgrade refuses to recognize, further complicates the situation.

An emotional moment as families gather at a memorial site, searching for answers about their missing loved ones.

Prime Minister Kurti revealed that the wounds inflicted by this war still feel fresh, with more than 1,600 bodies remaining missing.

He accused Serbia of burying these bodies in unmarked graves, denying meaningful closure to the victims' families.

Representatives from Kosovo and Serbia engaging in high-level talks facilitated by the European Union.

International concerns grow as the situation in Ukraine intensifies, heightening the fear of an escalating conflict between Kosovo and Serbia.

Despite efforts by the European Union to facilitate normalization talks, progress remains elusive.

A tense moment between masked Serb gunmen and Kosovo police, captured by a photojournalist at the scene.

An exchange of gunfire between masked Serb gunmen and Kosovo police in September resulted in four deaths, exacerbating tensions in the region.

Both the EU and the United States are pressuring Serbia and Kosovo to implement agreements reached earlier this year between President Aleksandar Vucic and Prime Minister Kurti.

EU Foreign Policy Chief Josep Borrell addressing the media about the stalled progress in normalization talks.

However, their refusal to compromise jeopardizes their chances of joining the European Union, both countries' stated aspiration.

As we embark on this journey of documenting war crimes and seeking justice, it is essential to acknowledge the impact it has on the people involved and the potential for lasting change.