Global Economy

published : 2023-09-13

Justin Trudeau Stuck in India After G20 Summit Due to Aircraft Issue

Trudeau is Slated to Leave India on Tuesday Afternoon

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking at the G20 summit in New Delhi on September 10, 2023 (Taken with Nikon D850)

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau finds himself in a predicament after his aircraft encountered a technical issue in India, delaying his departure from the country.

Following the conclusion of the Group of 20 summit in New Delhi, Trudeau and the entire Canadian delegation were set to leave on Sunday.

However, it was discovered that the Canadian Armed Forces' aircraft, CFC001, was experiencing technical difficulties.

Due to the magnitude of the issue, the departure was rescheduled to Tuesday afternoon, leaving Trudeau and his team stranded in India.

Trudeau addressing the media after the G20 summit in India (Taken with Canon EOS 5D Mark IV)

In a statement from Trudeau's office, it was acknowledged that these technical problems require more time to rectify, forcing the delegation to extend their stay until alternate arrangements can be made.

This unexpected turn of events has cast a shadow over Trudeau's visit to India, which had already been marred by controversies.

During the G20 conference, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi reportedly confronted Trudeau about his government's handling of anti-Indian protests by Sikh separatists in Canada.

These protests had gained attention when a float in a parade depicted the assassination of former Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi by Sikh bodyguards.

Justin Trudeau and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi engaging in a discussion during the G20 conference (Taken with Sony Alpha A7III)

Modi expressed his concerns over the promotion of secessionist sentiments and the incitement of violence against Indian diplomats by these protestors.

Despite attempts to reach out to Trudeau's office for a response, Fox News Digital has yet to receive an official statement.

As Trudeau awaits his departure from India, the world watches with anticipation, curious to see how this unexpected delay will impact his future engagements.