
published : 2023-11-06

Iran's Appointment to Chair UN Human Rights Council Sparks Outrage

Former US Ambassador to Israel condemns decision as a 'massive national insult'

A photo of former U.S. Ambassador to Israel David Friedman speaking at a press conference, expressing his concerns over Iran's appointment to the UN Human Rights Council. (Taken with a Nikon D850)

Former U.S. Ambassador to Israel David Friedman has condemned the appointment of Iran as the chair of the UN Human Rights Council, calling it a 'massive national insult' to the United States.

Friedman expressed his concerns during an appearance on 'Fox & Friends', where he criticized the Biden administration for not exerting enough pressure on Iran amidst the ongoing Israel-Hamas conflict.

Iran's appointment to the Human Rights Council comes after shocking footage emerged showing an anti-Israel mob threatening Jews in Russia, and the ambassador of Iran presiding over a U.N. forum.

Friedman highlighted Iran's atrocious human rights record, mentioning the recent deaths of Mahsa Amini and Armita Garawand, two young women who were taken into custody for not covering their faces properly.

He emphasized that Iran's security forces have been shooting protesters in the streets and publicly executing dissenters.

Friedman also criticized the United States for giving safe passage to Iran's foreign minister, who then used his position at the United Nations to threaten the U.S. and Israel.

An image showing a protest in the streets of Iran, highlighting the human rights violations mentioned by David Friedman. (Taken with a Canon EOS 5D Mark IV)

The former ambassador recalled the Trump administration's decision to leave the Human Rights Council, citing its lack of credibility, and criticized the Biden administration for rejoining the council while Iran assumes the role of chair.

Iran's appointment to chair the Human Rights Council comes despite their recent execution of two individuals on charges of blasphemy.

During their term as chair, Iran will focus on the use of technology to promote human rights, a concerning choice considering their track record.

Meanwhile, American troops in the Middle East have faced a significant increase in attacks in recent weeks, as the U.S. supports Israel's efforts against Hamas.

U.S. forces carried out airstrikes in eastern Syria in response to continued attacks by Iranian proxies, targeting weapons depots and ammo storage areas.

The situation remains tense, with the potential for further attacks against U.S. troops.

A photograph capturing the U.S. airstrikes in eastern Syria as a response to the attacks on American troops by Iranian proxies. (Taken with a Sony Alpha a7R III)

The appointment of Iran as chair of the Human Rights Council has sparked outrage and raised concerns about the credibility of the council.

Many criticize the Biden administration for not taking a stronger stance against Iran, despite their flagrant violations of human rights.

The international community will closely monitor Iran's actions and decisions as they lead the council, hoping for a commitment to true human rights promotion.

This appointment serves as a reminder of the ongoing tensions in the Middle East and the need for continued vigilance in upholding human rights worldwide.