
published : 2023-09-24

Russia Accuses West of Fueling Conflict, Avoids Discussing Ukraine in Speech at UN General Assembly

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov says US, West continuing to 'fuel conflicts' that 'divide humanity'

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov delivering his fiery speech at the UN General Assembly. Taken with Nikon D850.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov accused the United States and the West of continuing to 'fuel conflicts' that 'divide humanity,' while conspicuously staying quiet on the country's war in Ukraine in a fiery speech Saturday on the fifth day of the United Nations General Assembly meeting in New York City.

Lavrov criticized the US and Western collective for their efforts to prevent the formation of a genuine multipolar world order, accusing them of trying to force the world to play by their own self-centered rules.

Despite providing historical complaints about the breakup of the Soviet Union and alluding to Western support for Ukraine, Lavrov did not delve into the current fighting in Ukraine.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy addressed the UN General Assembly earlier in the week, criticizing Russia for weaponizing various resources in its quest to conquer Ukraine and warning that the present war's goal is to turn the country against the international rules-based order.

While Lavrov focused on criticizing the West's role in global conflicts, Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman took a more diplomatic approach in his speech.

Prince Salman called for an end to the war in Ukraine, advocated for an independent state for Palestine with Jerusalem as its capital, and emphasized that resolving the crisis in Syria would lead to stability in the region and the world.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu also spoke at the UN General Assembly, stating that Israel is on the cusp of a breakthrough in a peace agreement with Saudi Arabia.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy passionately addressing the international community at the UN General Assembly. Taken with Canon EOS R5.

Netanyahu's remarks were prompted by an interview with Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, during which the prince expressed optimism about the ongoing talks between Saudi Arabia and Israel, contingent on the treatment of Palestinians and the creation of a Palestinian state.

The speeches at the UN General Assembly also included other world leaders discussing various issues and conflicts.

Belarus' Foreign Minister Sergei Aleinik criticized the US and the West for imposing unilateral and illegal sanctions related to Russia's war in Ukraine, which he claimed have led to the starvation of people in affected countries.

He also accused the UN of ostracism and certain member states of politicizing the organization, discrediting its purpose.

Belize's Foreign Minister Eamon Courtenay accused the United States of treating migrants inhumanely at its southern border and condemned the 'evil' blockade of Cuba.

Courtenay called for reforms in international financial institutions and more non-Western representation on the UN Security Council.

In addition, Courtenay argued for reparations from countries involved in the historical slave trade and accused Israel of practicing apartheid with the Palestinians.

Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman advocating for peace and stability in the Middle East at the UN General Assembly. Taken with Sony Alpha a7 III.

Venezuela's Foreign Minister Yvan Gil Pinto claimed that the United Nations hasn't fulfilled its foundational purpose and called for its restructuring.

Pinto further accused the US and its allies of instrumentalizing the UN for their own interests and highlighted Venezuela's condemnation of the criminal blockade against Cuba.

He also advocated for an independent Palestinian state and called for the settlement of the historical debt of colonization through reparations.

Norway's Minister of International Development Anne Beathe Tvinnereim expressed deep concern about Russia's 'war of aggression' in Ukraine, emphasizing that it violates fundamental principles of international law.

She also accused Russia of risking a grave nuclear incident by occupying Europe's largest nuclear power plant in Zaporizhzhia and pledged extensive support to Ukraine.

Tvinnereim addressed other topics, including Norway's enhanced climate targets, efforts for peace around the world, advocacy for women's rights in Afghanistan, and the need for dialogue between Israel and Palestine.

Revamped and revitalized, the speeches at the UN General Assembly offered a glimpse of world leaders' perspectives, with each highlighting their respective concerns and viewpoints on global conflicts and challenges.